Roasters and equipment suppliers to members around Australia. To order a comprehensive range of coffee beans delivered to the door at roaster prices register your details with us

March 27, 2007

Find the man between the coffee beans.

Doctors have concluded that if you find the man in 3 seconds that your right half of your brain is better developed than most people. If you find the man between 3 seconds and one minute, then your right half of the brain is developed normally. If you find the man between one minute and 3 minutes, then the right half of your brain is functioning slowly and you need to eat more protein. If you have not found the man after 3 minutes your right half of your brain is a mess, and the only advice is to look more for these types of exercises to make that part of the brainstronger. The man really is there.

In fact, once you find him, you cannot miss him afterwards!

March 21, 2007

New Product - Presso

Espresso coffee without a machine. Have a'll be amazed. Stock arriving soon.

here's some video from youtube...

March 20, 2007

Water filters

If you've ever wondered whether a water filter between your coffee machine and the main supply was worth it have look at the filter above. The green sediment on the outside is copper! The water in the cartridge was the same green colour which suggested the filter was definately worth the installation but we needed to change it more often. With water restrictions in place in our city (Melbourne) and low catchment levels one can only imagine what chemicals are being added to supply "clean" water from the tap. I hope the water in your home is cleaner that the supply in this building! If you're worried I would recommend filtering the whole house and not just the coffee machine.

Ethiopia - Espresso machines from Mortar shells

Here's a great story from Reuters of an Ethiopian inventor who builds espresso machines from spent mortar shells found in the field.

March 18, 2007

Atomic web link

If Atomics drive you crazy with desire here's a great website from one of our NZ cousins.....

March 2, 2007

Bodum Antigua Grinder

We been selling the Bodum Antigua through our retail outlet for over a year. This is a grinder which offers all the features that many haven't over the years. I ran timed espresso tests with the ECM Giotto and was satisfied with it's ability to grind at a demanding fineness.

Stainless steel body
Timer switch to avoid
Good sized clear plastic hopper holding approx 300gms
Removable grounds cannister to transfer to dispense into machine or Plunger
Simple to adjust hopper

This grinder has been out of stock for the past 6 months which has disappointed many. I have just been informed by Bodum's distributor that stock is now available. Grab one while you can.