Roasters and equipment suppliers to members around Australia. To order a comprehensive range of coffee beans delivered to the door at roaster prices register your details with us

January 4, 2011

January blog post

here we are! it's now a year since I moved the roaster back to bendigo into our shop.
so now I'm back into it with the following changes to the company to assist with getting orders out as fast as in the past. the minimum order will now be a kg bag - sorry to all who like the option of smaller retail size bags but I'm not a retailer anymore. all orders will go out in either express post or prepaid bags so they come to you asap. i would love to maintain a delivery to the door run but I'm really tied up as a result of changes to the partnership and can't do as much as I'd like to until further notice. have a great year all and say hi on either facebook or here. Rog

July 7, 2010

Coffee Select Training - Every thurs 1-3pm (DAY) OR 6-8pm (NIGHT)


Covering grinder design and operation, coffee machine design and development, espresso formula, coffee types and milk texturing.

June 20, 2010

TRUGO - The Bendigo Club. Join up today!

You all know how I come up with crazy ideas! (don't agree that quickly). Well here's another ripper. You'll need to concentrate for a bit cause there's  a bit of history here and you might nod off.

Ever heard of Trugo? Call yourself an Oorstaaalian. Born in the Newport Workshops in Melbourne by the train and tram builders during smoko. Pretty simple concept. Take a puck off the workbench and a big wooden mallet. Place it on the ground and stand over the top of it with the goals behind you at the 50 metre mark. Hit the crap out of it and hope to blazes it goes through the goals.

 If you miss you can fine tune your aim with quick mouthful of your beer. The requirements for the sport were based on what the railway workers could find: the length of the pitch was the length of a carriage, the goalpost width was the distance between seats, the mallet was a sledge hammer, and the black rings were an internal component of buffers.

Over the years it's been played around old Melbourne clubs on a green similar to lawn bowl. see Trugo on the ABC

Coffee Select are proud to announce the launch of Australia's first and to this date only indoor Trugo Club, to be based in Bendigo, Australia.  As many of the classic W class Melbourne trams were made in Bendigo and can still be seen running up Pall Mall we see it as a fitting tribute to the cities manufacturing heritage. The pitch will run the length of our shop at 236 Hargreaves Street in the middle of the city. The hit off will be at the pizza oven end, run through the kitchen bar then the bar, roasthouse with the goals at the front door which will have a purpose built net to protect pedestrians from being hit by flying pucks. Hit off will be at 3pm every Sunday afternoon with preparatory drinks commencing at midday. Teams will be made of four people each. Every week the winning team will share a meat platter (is there a better prize).

Any team found to be practicing in any form before the day will be penalised.

June 16, 2010

New blends for the world to enjoy!!!!!!!!!

I've always believed with my simple marketing brain that Guinness was created by accident. One day one of the brewers was looking the other way and burnt the barley. Instead of throwing out tonnes of blackened barley the brewery decided to proceed with the brew - walah Guinness - a worldwide success. It was going to make a great lead into today's blog which is about the creation of new blends. Because we've come up with a beauty. Using mainly the superb Indian Monsooned which is an aged sweet, low acid coffee blended with a smaller percentage of higher acid South American coffee and another Indian to add body. It's a simple blend which works really well. We created last Friday and have been enjoying it all week. Now for a name to be really clever. What about Indian Summer? Not bad.This coffee roastings too easy really. Give it a try and tell us what us think.