Roasters and equipment suppliers to members around Australia. To order a comprehensive range of coffee beans delivered to the door at roaster prices register your details with us

January 4, 2011

January blog post

here we are! it's now a year since I moved the roaster back to bendigo into our shop.
so now I'm back into it with the following changes to the company to assist with getting orders out as fast as in the past. the minimum order will now be a kg bag - sorry to all who like the option of smaller retail size bags but I'm not a retailer anymore. all orders will go out in either express post or prepaid bags so they come to you asap. i would love to maintain a delivery to the door run but I'm really tied up as a result of changes to the partnership and can't do as much as I'd like to until further notice. have a great year all and say hi on either facebook or here. Rog

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