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February 27, 2007

Coffee Review - Costa Rica Terrazu

When God stops for a coffee he drinks Costa Rica!

Costa Ricans drink more than twice the amount of coffee consumed in Italy!

When coffee lovers die they want to wake up in Costa Rica.

A tiny country inhabited by only 3 million people of which about fifty tend more than one hundred thousand hectares of coffee. Over seventy per cent of production comes from the mountains whose altitudes range from one thousand to seventeen hundred meters above sea level.
Costa Rica enjoys the best possible growing conditions for growing superb coffee. High altitude, temperate climate, cool nights and rich volcanic soil. Access to two ocean ports and support from a commercial orientated government has helped position Costa Rica as one of the worlds premium coffee countries where, by edict, only the Arabica varieties may be planted.
Of the seven regions where coffee is grown at altitude we sell Terrazu - grown between 1200 and 1700 meters above sea level this origin can be best described (by me) as malty, clean and pure, tangy, winey, balanced but full flavour with light body and density, exquisite.
Some coffee lovers recoil at the thought of Cost Rica being drunk as anything but black but the complexity of the flavour is enhanced by a touch of milk or cream.

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