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June 3, 2010

Agents for Nectre Wood Ovens

Nectre Pizza Ovens are the best! You know Im a foodie and love spending time at cooking and enjoying company. I first saw these ovens four years ago and had the have one. My partner at the time thought it a waste of money and that we'd never use it. Wrong. Any season of the year you'll enjoy using this oven. In Winter it gets you outside to enjoy the fire and of course every other season you just want to cook in it and enjoy the flavours and gastronomic therapy.

If your wondering about weight and base type required for the Nectre Oven  we can help. They weigh about 300kg and therefore need to be lifted by experience people with the right equipment. You will need space to do so and a solid ground to work on. The oven can be stripped of it's steel and bricks but is still super heavy. Once on the ground it is easy to move on a flat bed trolley. Your base can be any design or structural material providing it will carry the weight to an Australian Standard. The installation instructions require the oven to sit 100mm away from any flammable material to the side and rear and 100mm off a flammable base. In the pics below you can see us constructing a 100mm hearth contained in steel and made with stone set in colored mortar.

Email us for any information regarding the Nectre